
Best Final days JEE Preparation Tricks - JEE in 20 days

  Hey Everyone! I hope your preparations are going well for the April JEE MAIN Session. Without wasting much time, I will cover the top tricks you should follow during the last preparation days of your JEE Exam. Lets Start. 1) DON'T PICK UP ANY NEW TOPIC - Yes, you read that right. Don't pick anything new. This is the time you are surrounded by a lot of confusions and that's not an issue but JEE MAIN exam is all about your knowledge about the topic or a subject. So, this is actually the time to revise whatever you already know. It is recommended from my side to not top pick something you have never studied. So, pick up the 3 subjects that you have, make a time table ( How to make a perfect Time Table ) and start brushing up the topics but don't pick anything new! 2) PRIORITIZE THE TOPICS - Now you know what not to study. But then what to study? Go through the previous year papers and see which topics can be prioritized and are asked more in the exams. You can see my ...

Increasing Speed in IIT JEE Exam

Hello everyone! While attempting our JEE exam we often run out of time and this lead to a great loss in our marks.  There are basically 2 factors which decide how you will score in your JEE Exam. 1. Accuracy of your attempted questions. 2. How many questions you can do within those hours. The first one obviously depends on your level of preparations but in this blog, I will be discussing about how to increase your speed while attempting for the exam. Increasing your speed will eventually result in increase of the the marks you get! Let's get started. One thing that I know about the people, who do good in any exam, is that their mind works faster than their pens. Yes, your mind is the first weapon while attempting your JEE exam. You see some students do more than half of the calculations in their mind and then reach a particular place from where they start using the pen. What's exactly the point to that? Whenever you get a question, don't just blindly start doing any calcula...

Biggest Mistakes during IIT JEE Preparations

Hello friends! During our preparatory period we go through a lot of things happening around and couldn’t figure out where we are going wrong and what steps should be taken to overcome this! I’ll be sharing the 5 worst mistakes done by JEE aspirants during their JEE preparations. Ignoring the basics : The main building block for anything is its base, same goes with your preparations. Students preparing for JEE mostly think that it’s the the high level advanced questions that will matter the most and that’s where they start missing out the basics. The basics are the building loack of your JEE preparations. People often jump to advance books and test series ignoring the NCERT, whereas, if you actually notice most of JEE Main questions can be solved if you have thoroughly gone through your NCERT. So, use the advanced books and study materials but keep your basics clear. Excess Study Material : One thing that everyone should keep in mind is that excess of anything is harmful. More study mat...

Making a Perfect Study Time Table

As a student or aspirant one needs to keep a lot of things in mind during their preparation for the examinations. It's most likely that the student may fall in a deep well of confusion and mismanagement. Where some students know how to prioritize their tasks, some fail to manage their precious hours. In this blog, I will be discussing about how a perfect study time table is made and the importance of having a time table as a student. Let's get started. Why you need a time table? By preparing a suitable time table you will be able to: Establish an effective study routine. Prepare your sessions accordingly. Set achievable goals. Be accountable for your deadlines. Complete the tasks without delay. Avoid stress and last-minute panic situations  Key Points for making a Perfect Time Table Get an idea of your current schedule. Before jumping into making a time table, it's important to know what exactly is going on throughout the day in...

Final weeks preparation strategy for JEE

Greetings to each and every student here, as an aspirant each one of us go through a certain phases. While some have had the preparations over the period of 2 years, others may not have much time to prepare for their JEE exams. The reasons can be many but let's not talk about the reasons in this article. Here, I want to give you all an idea about how to prepare for your JEE exam in a short period of time. The things that you need to keep in your mind while you go through the last weeks just before the exams. My suggestions on how to crack JEE with only limited time to prepare: Never randomize your study.   First, make a week-by-week plan, with provision for mock tests, revision, new learning, etc. Then, make daily plans and stick to them diligently. Make the plans always just a little higher than your previous best (maybe 10-15% higher), and that will keep you progressing. For instance: if you have a capacity of doing 400 questions a day, fix a target 450 or 470 to be done daily. (...

How I made it to IIT!

Whatever I am now and what all I have achieved, started from the day I decided to take a drop when I wasn’t able to clear my JEE Advance in first attempt. So, my words will be more useful for the students who face the same deadly situation. Actually, you always need a driving force that keeps you moving and makes work really hard for achieving your goals. In my case, that driving force was my dad’s dream. Of course, different people have different reasons to get into IIT. But one thing is for sure – you need a hell lot of determination to take a drop and prepare for JEE.  The three key thoughts to be kept in mind: One, Never lose confidence. Two, Never stop, never, at any cost. Three, Never become dependent on anyone. Be self-dependent. You may face many adverse situations during your preparations, you may feel like backing off but in reality those are your real test which you need to face off before your actual JEE examination. In my case, these adversities were at such a peak tha...

IIT JEE Preparation - Discipline and Focus

   “JEE ADVANCED and the Bull’s eye are quite similar, one distraction and you miss your goal.” The above words seem quite threatening, right? Most of the times, yes, they are. Distraction is something that starts budding up when motivation starts depleting. So to maintain focus and discipline and to avoid distractions from any unnecessary sources, some guidelines need to be strictly followed. These key points need to be applied during last phase of your JEE preparation because that’s the time when everything except studying seems interesting and attractive. So dear folks, keep these in mind: 1. Study as if you won’t get another day to study –   try to reach your maximum efficiency. You should be so determined and focused during your last phase that it shouldn’t matter if you have had your lunch or not. (But please do have it – food is necessary for health too.) 2.  Keep calm during your study period.  No need to rush and get hyper if you aren’t getting som...